Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Very soon, we won’t get wet

They basically finished the second floor walls and are starting to put up the wood to hold the cement for the second floor ceiling.

The house from the outside:

2009_11_11 006


2009_11_11 010

The inside of the second floor:

2009_11_11 011 2009_11_11 012

     2009_11_11 013

The second floor mirpesset-

2009_11_11 016

They also started to make the hole for the top of the stairs from the first floor. (The big pile of rubble is the hole)-

2009_11_11 017 

We also show a view of the mamad window from the playroom per request:

2009_11_11 020

We also add a picture of the stairs with an anonymous person for scale.

2009_11_11 002

Good afternoon everybody.


  1. Does the kablan supply anonymous people for picture-taking purposes, or do you have to bring your own?

  2. I thought every house came with them. Don't you have any in your house?
