Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drum roll please

We have a ceiling!!!!!

Hooray! Hooray!

But wait, you have to see the whole process.

The house from outside:

2009_11_19 002

The ceiling with blocks and steel before the pouring of the cement :

 2009_11_19 009 2009_11_19 010 2009_11_19 011 2009_11_19 012

The pump and cement trucks:

2009_11_19 0202009_11_19 062    

And finally, the cement being poured:2009_11_19 022 2009_11_19 023 2009_11_19 024

They also finished the electrical work downstairs and a lot of the plumbing work.  For example:


kitchen - two corners and stove top kitchen - behind fridge and ovens , dishwasher and microwavekitchen - flieshig sink

Guest bathroom-

guest room - bathroom door guest bathroom - shower water pipes

Powder room-

powder room- sink pipes


They also plastered the old door between the guest room and play room.

guest room - play room wall

Hopefully we’ll have ceiling views after pouring soon.

Have a good Thursday!