Sunday, November 8, 2009

Moving along

B”h they’re moving full steam ahead.  Over the next week they’re planning to pour the second floor ceiling.

The view of the house from the street:

2009_11_8 001

The play room walls are mostly done, they now have to pour the ceiling:

2009_11_8 002

They built the beam for the powder room wall:

2009_11_8 005

They started pouring the ceiling of the new part of the kitchen:

2009_11_8 012

And as I learned from my wonderful oldest sister- ROOF VIEWS (well not really roof, but right now it’s the roof…):

Back of house (view to cousins)-

      2009_11_8 007

Side of house (view to neighbors)-

2009_11_8 0082009_11_8 009

Front of house (view to street)-

2009_11_8 010

Top of playroom (still not poured)-

2009_11_8 011 

hopefully tomorrow another pump will come to pour more pillars and ceilings. Stay tuned.


  1. We knew that would finally get us a comment....

  2. now with roof views its a real blog!


  3. :-)

    Did you switch editors in the end? It looks like you did, because of new picture format.

  4. YAT- The first post stated that this is not a blog. So even if there are roof views( a clear sign of a blog) it is still not a blog.

    Mrs S.-We changed editors and it's a whole new world. Much Much better. Thanks again for the tip.
