Monday, December 28, 2009

It wasn’t Ti’ach

We must apologize for saying things that were not true.  The past two posts about Ti’ach were not Ti’ach.  They had actually put up concrete.  We hope you still come to our not blog even when we mislead the readers.

We also apologize for not posting for a while.  Ti’ach takes a long time and is pretty boring.  So finally they finished the Ti’ach outside and now it’s getting very interesting.  They now get to do inside Ti’ach!!!!!  (We know it’s also pretty boring…..)

Some (real)  Ti’ach pictures:

2009_12_28 013 2009_12_28 014 2009_12_28 023 2009_12_28 027

They also put up the marble for the windows.  For example (the white lines on the bottom of the windows):

2009_12_28 016 2009_12_28 024 2009_12_28 025 2009_12_28 026

They put in the gas lines:

2009_12_28 008 2009_12_28 009

And some inside Ti’ach.  For example our on purpose “decorativi” beam in our kitchen:

2009_12_28 017 2009_12_28 018

Have a good week.