Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Chanukah!

The truck brought the beam for our attic”

2009_12_13 001

Some outside views:

2009_12_13 002 2009_12_13 003

Some plumbing and electric wiring:

2009_12_13 004

They added the extra part of the stairs:

2009_12_13 005

And then started the railing:

  2009_12_13 017

2009_12_13 029

Second floor:


2009_12_13 009 

One bedroom:

2009_12_13 0112009_12_13 012

Another bedroom:

2009_12_13 010 

The kid’s bathroom:

  2009_12_13 013 2009_12_13 014

Stairs to attic:

 2009_12_13 015 2009_12_13 016  

The attic (you can see the beam they brought at the beginning of this post on the ceiling):

2009_12_13 0082009_12_13 006

Again, many wishes of much light and happiness to everyone!


  1. I see that you now have a different set of random people? :-)
    BA"H, the one in the pink jacket is quite cute.

    Happy Chanukah!

  2. Mrs. S:
    They're not "random people". They're anonymous. Very different! :)
    We're looking forward to thursday.
